Jorge Amorim & Tribo
Projeto idealizado na decada de 1990 em uma tourne na Austria, com o proposito de musica autoral. Em 1996 montou a primeira formação em Paris para um show Case de uma gravadora em Londres, em 1997 mudou-se para NYC, na qual sobre nova nova formação e um repertorio de musicas ineditas, com a intenção de misturar as influencias da musica Africana, jazz, samba, afro cuban, blues, gospel, etc… Um grupo influenciado pelo espirito mundial, sua musica reflete os sons da vida ao seu redor. Participou de festivais e clubes de jazz renomados da cidade de NYC, em 2002, 2003, 2004 de passagem pelo Brasil, se apresentou com os Musicos do Rio de Janeiro, e tambem com a participação do pianista da formação da TRIBO de NYC Em 2009 mudou-se definitivamente para o Brasil, na qual participou de concertos em festivais de Jazz no Rio de Janeiro, São Luis do Maranhão e São Paulo, e semanalmente se apresentando em casas de shows no Rio de Janeiro.. Atualmente esta finalizando o seu terceiro e primeiro disco gravado no Brasil e sobre nova formção de quarteto, com os musicos, Regis Alves no Baixo, Andre Mendes no piano e a cantora Belle Nascimento
The Project was conceived in 1990 during a tour in Austria, with the purpose of new Musical Composition. In 1996 he set up his first production in Paris for a London record company Showcase. In 1997 he moved to NYC, where he studied vocals and had a repertoire of unreleased songs with the intention of mixing the influences of African music, jazz, samba, afro cuban, blues, gospel, etc ... The group is influenced by the Spirit of World Music in which their music reflects the sounds of life around them. He participated in renowned jazz festivals and jazz clubs in New York City from 2002 through 2004. In Brazil he performed with the Musicians of Rio de Janeiro, and also with the pianist with whom he formed Tribo of NYC. In 2009 returned to Brazil, where he participated in concerts at Jazz festivals in Sao Paulo, and weekly performances in Rio de Janeiro. He is currently finishing his third album but the first record recorded in Brazil with a new quartet, with musicians, Regis Alves on Bass, Andre Mendes on the piano and vocalist Belle Nascimento

Dos 16 aos 18 anos começou a estudar canto com a professora Mirna Rubim, participou de montagens muscais na CAL, alem de workshop com a kristy Cates e masterclass com Natalie Weiss. estudou na escola de musica villa lobos durante 2 anos e é formanda em produçao fonografica. . em 2016 fez parte do coral cenico embandocanto e atuou como vocalista do projeto TRIBO do compositor e percussionista Jorge Amorim e tambem da Foli Grio orquestra como vocalista e percussionista, atualmente estagia na gravadora som livre
From the age of 16 to 18, Belle began her studies in vocals with Professor Mirna Rubim, participated in musican montages at CAL, and attended a workshop with Kristy Cates and masterclass with Natalie Weiss. She studied at The Villa Lobos school of Music for 2 years and is trained in the art of phonographic production. In 2016 she joined the Ambandocanto Ensemble Choir and served as vocalist for the TRIBO project, directed by composer and percussionist Jorge Amorim. She also serves as a vocalist and percussionist Grio orchestra. She is currently working as a freelancer.
Baixo elétrico / Eletric bass

Nascido em 1979 na cidade de Petropolis, Estado do Rio de Janeiro
Aos cinco anos despertou sua vontade de ser musico pela a influencia do seu tio que tocava trombone. Aos cinco anos de idade pediu que a sua mãe lhe comprasse um baixo eletrico para tocar em sua igreja, aos quinze anos começou como profissional os trabalhos nos clubes e casas de show, aos dezoito anos, começou a sua carreira como professor de musica, dando aula nas melhores escolas de Petropolis, Estado do Rio de Janeiro, aos vinte e seis anos teve a oportuniidade de tocar com os grandes nomes da musica Brasileira, como o guitarrista Victor Biglione, Nelson Faria, entre outros, trabalhando ao lado de um dos maiores produtores de musica do Rio de Janeiro Fabio Fonseca.
> Participou do DVD da cantora Lana Bitencour no Teatro Rival, dividindo o palco com artistas consagrados como Ney Matogrosso, Alcione, Elimar Santos, Isabela Taviane e entre outros. Participou do Festival Internacional de Jazz & Blues de Rio das Ostras. Em 2004 participou do projeto do Baterista, percussionista e compositor, lider do projeto TRIBO, em venues como Palacio de Cristal, Centro de Cultura, Mistura Fina e Rock in Rio, participou do projeto do compositor e instrumentista Cesar Nascimento e tambem da banda do Mc Koringa e com grandes nomes do Samba brasileiroRegis Alves, Baixo Eletrico (Eletric Bass)
Born in 1979 in the city of Petropolis, State of Rio de Janeiro
At the age of five his desire to be a musician was awakened
by the influence of his uncle who played the trombone. At that time his Mother bought him a bass to play at the church. At the age of fifteen, he began his professional work in clubs and concert halls, and by eighteen, he began his career as a music teacher, giving class in the best schools in Petropolis, State of Rio de Janeiro. At age twenty-six had the opportunity to play with the great names of Brazilian music, such as guitarist Victor Biglione, Nelson Faria, among others, and worked alongside one of the greatest music producers from Rio de Janeiro, Fabio Fonseca.
Regis credits inclued DVD of singer Lana Bitencour at the Rival Theater, sharing the stage with established artists such as Ney Matogrosso, Alcione, Elimar Santos, Isabela Taviane and others; The International Jazz and Blues Festival of Rio das Ostras; 2004 with Jorge Amorim, Drummer, percussionist and composer and leader of the TRIBO project, in venues such as Palacio de Cristal, Centro de Cultura, Mistura Fina and Rock in Rio; and Composer and instrumentalist Cesar Nascimento,the band Mc Koringa and big names of Brazilian Samba.
Andre been a Professional pianist and teacher of piano and keyboard since 2001. He teaches piano at the Santa Catarina College, in Petrópolis, RJ.
His accomplishments inclued Composer of soundtracks for audiovisual projects, games, jingles, personalized tracks for theater, exhibition, etc.; solo pianist at Paissandu Atlético Clube, in Leblon-RJ, since 2009 ; solo pianist at the Riserva Golf stand - Barra da Tijuca-RJ, held by the company Cyrela, since March 2014; Founder of the instrumental music quartet "Matita Pereira", having participated in the "Circuito SESC Instrumental", in the mountain region, in the years 2004 and 2005 ; Performed with Victor Biglione and his band at Jimmy Hendrix's tribute show at the D. Pedro Theater in 2006; Joined the band of singer-songwriter César Nascimento, with whom he performed in several projects, among which are: show at the Cultural Center of Federal Justice of Rio de Janeiro, in January 2007; presentation on TVE's "Atitude.com" program, presentation on MEC Radio and show at Brite 2011 (Rio de Janeiro). He also participated in the recording of César Nascimento's DVD in 2010.
Andre was nominated for the Peixe Guerra de Cultura de Petrópolis award in 2010, with his work as an author, and also participated in this event as a pianist.
As well as piano Andre is also adept at keyboard, flute, string instrument, clarinet and guitar.
Andre been a Professional pianist and teacher of piano and keyboard since 2001. He teaches piano at the Santa Catarina College, in Petrópolis, RJ.
His accomplishments inclued Composer of soundtracks for audiovisual projects, games, jingles, personalized tracks for theater, exhibition, etc.; solo pianist at Paissandu Atlético Clube, in Leblon-RJ, since 2009 ; solo pianist at the Riserva Golf stand - Barra da Tijuca-RJ, held by the company Cyrela, since March 2014; Founder of the instrumental music quartet "Matita Pereira", having participated in the "Circuito SESC Instrumental", in the mountain region, in the years 2004 and 2005 ; Performed with Victor Biglione and his band at Jimmy Hendrix's tribute show at the D. Pedro Theater in 2006; Joined the band of singer-songwriter César Nascimento, with whom he performed in several projects, among which are: show at the Cultural Center of Federal Justice of Rio de Janeiro, in January 2007; presentation on TVE's "Atitude.com" program, presentation on MEC Radio and show at Brite 2011 (Rio de Janeiro). He also participated in the recording of César Nascimento's DVD in 2010.
Andre was nominated for the Peixe Guerra de Cultura de Petrópolis award in 2010, with his work as an author, and also participated in this event as a pianist.
As well as piano Andre is also adept at keyboard, flute, string instrument, clarinet and guitar.